Welcome to Homestyle Food and Fitness. Here you will find low-carb, homestyle, family roots recipes made with fitness goals in mind while maintaining the integrity of the dish. A lot of the recipes are paleo friendly, keto friendly, and all are gluten free. You will also find the occasional “treat” recipe. There should always be room for a little splurge! All of the recipes you view will have the calorie content per serving along with the Macronutrient breakdown (fats, carbohydrates, and proteins).

Shredded Beef Quesadilla with Cilantro Cream Sauce

Back to school and back to realty! We had a crazy busy fun filled summer. I know I have not posted any new recipes in quite some time. My kids have kept my summer slammed! I am in a place in life where I acknowledge I have a limited time with them still at home so I…

Memorial Day

Memorial Day BBQ As we gather together this Memorial Day let us remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Smoked Country Ribs with Apple Coleslaw And for dessert…..

Fish for Good Friday

Fish For Good Friday Good Friday is a day that Christians commemorate the death of Jesus Christ. This day falls on the Friday before Easter Sunday. Many Christians spend this day mourning, fasting, praying, and repenting. In our house we have taken on my husband’s family tradition of eating fish on Good Friday. We also have adapted…

Shrimp Scampi with Zoodles

Shrimp Scampi with Zoodles This recipe came into creation the day my new spiralizer arrived. After attempting to buy multiple premade “zoodles” from the store and never being satisfied with any to replace noodles, I have wanted to purchase a spiralizer to make homemade “zoodles” for many years. I just always forget that I want one. When…


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